The Fortinet – Best Western team is delighted to welcome Laurie Phaï as Project Assistant.
Originally from Montpellier, and after living in various regions, she (finally!) moved to Brittany this year.
A lawyer by training, Laurie is also a former top-level table tennis player, having represented France at international competitions. She put an end to her international career in 2007 and took up running. It was then that she discovered her passion for a new discipline: trail running. A French-Cambodian, she is proud to wear the colors of her father’s country and represents Cambodia in Trail Running.
Laurie knows the world of sport and its stakeholders well, and will be helping us to find partners.
“I grew up in the world of sport and I’m now discovering the world of sailing, which is fascinating. Romain has an uncommon tenacity, an endearing personality, he knows how to unite people, and takes us along with him in his wildest challenges! The team lives well together, and that’s what drew me here. We all want to see Romain perform. My aim is simply to ensure that he’s in the best possible condition to set off on his races… You might think that sailors are loners, but when Romain’s on land he needs to be well surrounded 😉 “